What Effects Does Alcohol Have on A Driver?

DUI defense lawyers are well aware that driving while under the influence is a serious offense in Indiana. Because of the severe consequences, drunk drivers can have on property and lives, this is a very serious crime. Many people continue to drink and drive despite the fact that impaired driving is dangerous and there are strict laws in place.

The popular belief that one can “hold their liquor” and that alcohol doesn’t affect them is what drives this reckless act. This belief is not only wrong but also dangerous and has led to many people being put to death or in jail. Our attorneys will discuss how alcohol affects the body to help reduce the potential loss of life and potential damages for Indianapolis residents.

Rathburn Law is available to assist you if you or someone close to you is arrested for DUI. We can help you avoid a DUI conviction.

What It Means to Be Legally Drunk

Each state has a limit on blood alcohol concentrations (BAC). A person who exceeds this limit is considered to be legally drunk. Based on occupation and age, the BAC limit can differ.

Indiana law requires that anyone 21 years old or older must maintain a BAC of less than 0.08%. For those younger than 21 years, blood alcohol must be kept below 0.02%. This is called a “zero tolerance rule”. Even if an underage individual did not consume enough alcohol to become drunk, they could still be charged with driving and drinking while impaired.

Drivers with a commercial driver’s license (CDL), must also keep their BAC under.04%. Commercial drivers must drink little to no alcohol. Commercial drivers spend a lot of time on the roads, which makes them more vulnerable to alcohol-related effects.

Four Crucial Ways Alcohol Can Affect Your Body

The 2018 Lancet Report, which examined alcohol consumption in 195 countries and territories between 1990 and 2016, came to one clear conclusion: alcohol is not good for your body. There are many effects that alcohol has on the body. It is a major risk factor for disability and death. How does alcohol affect drivers?

It is unsafe to engage in any activity that requires attention, skill, and coordination after a person has consumed alcohol. These are the three essential factors to safely driving a car. Additionally, sensory perception is impaired, nerve-to–muscle transition is slower, and brain function is less.

These factors all combine to produce the following results:

Altered Judgment

Drinking alcohol can lead to impaired judgment. This makes it more difficult to make sound decisions and can increase your risk-taking behavior when you drink. If you drive 5 mph slower than the recommended limit, it could lead to driving over the limit. You may also run red lights when it is not necessary. These actions can lead to you being arrested by the police and you will soon be in jail.

Lower Concentration

Driving requires your full attention. Distracted driving is the leading cause of traffic accidents. Your concentration is affected by alcohol. It significantly decreases it. You might find yourself changing lanes illegally, crossing at a crosswalk, or following other drivers too closely.

Loss of coordination

Loss of coordination comes from the negative effects of alcohol on the neurotransmitter GABA within the brain. It can turn off certain brain cells and increase inhibitory effects. This causes slow movements which decreases reaction time. It makes it difficult to drive or steer a vehicle in the correct way. You may also crash your vehicle in places you could have avoided without any impairment.

Visual Impairment

Alcohol relaxes the muscles controlling the eyes. This causes blurred vision, slower reaction times, and blurred vision. Alcohol also affects peripheral vision so drunk drivers may have trouble seeing what is not directly in front. This applies to pedestrians and other vehicles, as well as road hazards such as debris.

You are less able to react to danger and situations if you drink more alcohol. It is better to not drink and drive than it is to do so. What do you do if you are caught breaking the law?

In Indianapolis, contact a DUI lawyer

It doesn’t mean that you won’t drink and drive after learning about the effects of alcohol. If you are arrested for DUI, call DUI Lawyer Indianapolis immediately.

Our DUI lawyers can protect your rights and keep you out of jail 317-517-9002